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Sedation Dentistry Specialist

Sushma Balakrishna, DDS -  - Aesthetic and Implant Dentist

Sushma Balakrishna, DDS

Aesthetic and Implant Dentist & Family Dentistry located in San Ramon, CA & Livermore, CA

If your trip to the dentist makes you nervous or uncomfortable, then sedation dentistry is for you. Sunshine Dental in San Ramon and Livermore, California, offers excellent sedation dentistry to keep you calm and relaxed throughout dental procedures. To learn more about what sedation dentistry can do for you, schedule a visit by phone or online with Sushma Balakrishna, DDS, today.

Sedation Dentistry Q&A

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the process when your dentist gives you medical sedatives during your dental procedure to put you at ease.

Dr. Targ, an expert in sedation, administers and oversees all of the sedation dentistry at Sunshine Dental, providing a safe and effective way to find more comfort in your dental care.

Is sedation dentistry for me?

Sedation dentistry is a great solution if you experience:

  • Severe dental anxiety
  • Difficulty sitting still for extended durations
  • Low pain tolerance
  • Sensitive gag reflex

Prior to undergoing sedation dentistry, you and Dr. Targ discuss your medical history. If Dr. Targ determines that you’re a viable candidate for sedation dentistry, you’ll then discuss which type of sedation is best for you.

What are the different degrees of sedation?

Dental sedatives can be split into three categories: mild, moderate, and strong.


Mild sedatives alleviate your anxiety but keep you conscious throughout your procedure.


Moderate sedatives, like IV sedation, put you in a slightly altered state of awareness, but don’t necessarily make you lose consciousness.


Strong sedatives, put you into a deep sleep and can leave you groggy after your procedure.

If you decide to have moderate or strong sedatives, you need to arrange for somebody to take you home from your appointment since it might not be safe for you to drive yourself.

What forms of sedation dentistry do you offer?

There are a few methods that Sunshine Dental offers to administer your dental sedative, including:


Nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) is a colorless and odorless gas you inhale through a mask worn over your nose throughout the entire procedure. It makes you calmer and less anxious during your treatment and wears off quickly after Dr. Targ stops administering it.


Oral sedation is a pill that you take shortly before you come in for your appointment. It’s the easiest type of sedation to administer and puts you in a relaxed state of mind for your treatment. 


Dr. Targ administers intravenous sedatives through an IV drip that delivers your sedative straight to your bloodstream. It’s an effective form of sedation dentistry, enabling Dr. Targ to precisely monitor your level of consciousness throughout your procedure and adjust the amount of sedative as necessary.


Intramuscular sedatives are injected directly into your muscles. Dr. Targ gives you a shot near your arm or your thigh, and your sedative takes effect soon after.

Call the office at Sunshine Dental or book an appointment online today.