Dental Extractions: When Do You Need It?
Tooth extraction is the surgical procedure of removing a tooth in its entirety from the oral cavity. Dental extractions are necessary in the case of certain dental conditions such as cavities, gum diseases, malocclusion, external trauma to the teeth, etc. It is a common misconception that extractions would be too painful. But, we would make sure the process is free from pain using the right means of sedation.
Need for extraction
Tooth extractions would usually be required in the following situations:
Dental Cavities: When a tooth gets infected due to cavities, it can negatively influence the patient's oral health. If left untreated, the decay can advance to the deeper layers of the tooth and cause a root canal infection. We would try to restore the tooth to its original contour. But, when the tooth is beyond restoration, it will have to be removed.
Impacted teeth: Teeth sometimes get impacted or stuck in between the gums and jawbone. This condition can be highly painful and can potentially lead to an infection near the impacted site. It is best to have impacted teeth removed to save oneself from a lot of pain.
Orthodontics: Malocclusion such as spacing or bite issues can ultimately affect the aesthetics of one's smile. Patients with malocclusion often feel too conscious of their smile, which can hinder their confidence. Orthodontic solutions such as braces and Invisalign help to get rid of the malocclusion. But, the teeth need space to move to their orthodontically right positions. Extractions would be required in such cases to provide space for the teeth to move.
External trauma: Inpiduals who sustain a hard blow to the mouth could end up breaking or cracking their teeth. This can expose the pulp of the tooth to the microbes in the mouth, thereby potentially leading to root canal infection. Although we try to restore such a tooth using crowns, veneers, or composite bonding, they will have to be extracted if the restoration isn't possible.
How are extractions performed?
During your visit to our dental office, we would conduct a thorough screening of the mouth to understand the severity of the condition. During this, we would determine whether you are a candidate for dental extraction. Based on this, the dentist will draw out a customized treatment plan.
Before commencing the extraction, we will clean the tooth thoroughly to get rid of the microbes around it. Local anesthesia will be administered to the gums near the tooth that has to be extracted. This helps to numb the tooth, gums, and jawbone. Next, the dentist gently grips the tooth using forceps and shakes it to loosen it from the socket. The tooth will be removed out of the dental socket, and you wouldn't even feel a slight sensation of pain. Most patients who get extractions done often say that they feel a hint of pressure when the tooth is being extracted but experiences no pain. Post the procedure; you will be asked to bite into a piece of gauze to halt the bleeding and to initiate clotting. The dentist would prescribe appropriate medication to facilitate healing of the wound. If the enamel is impacted or broken inside the gums, surgical means would be used to remove the damaged teeth from the socket.
Find out if you are the perfect candidate for tooth extraction by consulting Dr. Balakrishna. Reach out to our office in San Ramon and Livermore, and we’d be glad to guide you further.
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